Hi all! after going though all my rough sketches, I have decided on 2. I have improvised on them, heeding the advices from my classmates from the previous tutorial. :) below are my final designs! So sorry that I am unable to upload my previous sketches yet, but will do it real soon ok! :)

The spiders are laid in the form of my name. If you look closely, some spiders have their head or legs broken, this is to show that I really don't like them. Previously during tutorial, the class mentioned that it did not really show that I hate spiders. So i added the footprint in blood to show that I stepped on them to get the emotion of hate. Hope you'll remember I hate spiders! :)

I love food! it's true. I used fast food here for design for another purpose. I love food but my favourite is Fast food :) simple design, I change the hamburger to look "flatter" so it looks more like "a" and less of 'O'... I also changed the text from using mostly of different food to make up letters of I, LOVE and Food but I feel that it looks complicated and makes the main design less catching. :)